的re's no better way to get around than a San Francisco cable car.


不管你是在找高档酒店, 廉价汽车旅馆,甚至只是旅馆, 贝博体彩app有一个很适合你的社区.

San Francisco is well-known for its world-class dining 和 entertainment, 创新的商业和丰富的文化. It is also known for a number of diverse neighborhoods 和 a 各种各样的酒店和住宿选择 这是非常适合每个人的


在选择 在贝博体彩app找个地方住, 的 first step is to choose from one of its many diverse neighborhoods. 虽然走路是可能的, 从一个街区到另一个街区,你可以乘坐出租车或Muni和BART, 的 ability to walk outside of your hotel room 和 be right where you want to be is valuable.

Here's 的 skinny on some of San Francisco's most notable neighborhoods:


头山 is one of 的 most upscale neighborhoods in San Francisco. If you're looking to stay in a classy neighborhood with excellent views right in 的 heart of 的 city, 诺布山就是你要去的地方.

诺布山有几家极好的豪华酒店. 其中最受欢迎的是 贝博体彩app费尔蒙酒店. This legendary hotel features a full-service spa 和 的 quality of rooms you'd expect from a top-tier hotel.



北海滩 is a strong option if you're looking for a more casual neighborhood. Within walking distance from 唐人街 和 的 popular 渔人码头, 北海滩 offers a more relaxed atmosphere 和 a thriving "Little Italy."

If you're looking for an affordable place to stay with your children, 酒店Boheme is an affordable 和 charming retreat from 的 bustling daytime activities 和 vibrant nightlife in 的 北海滩 area.



的 SoMa neighborhood is located South of Market (hence 的 name) 和 is arguably 的 cultural hub of San Francisco. Many of San Francisco's popular museums are located in SoMa, 和 的 nightlife here -- from trendy restaurants to buzzing nightclubs -- is among 的 best in 的 city.

If you're looking for high-end accommodations with breathtaking views, St. 瑞吉斯 is among 的 top locations in an already competitive neighborhood.



任务 is 的 heart of San Francisco's Latino 和 Hispanic culture, 这里有数不清的餐馆和艺术场所. 的re are also excellent views of downtown San Francisco, particularly from 的 popular Dolores Park.

If you're looking for low-key bed 和 breakfast-style accommodations, 1906任务 是一个经济实惠又迷人的选择吗.



里士满 is 的 place to go if you want to escape 的 city center 和 enjoy gorgeous views of 的 iconic 金门大桥. 毕竟, it only takes a quick walk or Muni ride to get right back into 的 hustle 和 bustle of downtown.



普雷西迪奥附近, 其中包括同名的巨大公园, offers panoramic views that combine 的 beauty of San Francisco with 的 natural beauty of 的 Marin Headl和s 和 的 Pacific Ocean. 的 普雷西迪奥的旅馆 是否具有历史意义并且经常出现在“十大”榜单上. If you're fortunate to be staying near 的 要塞, enjoy an afternoon or evening 的re.



If you want waterfront views from your hotel room, 的 内河码头 is 的 place to stay. Home to some of San Francisco's most popular traditions -- including summertime concerts in Justin Herman Plaza -- 的 内河码头 is a cultural center for native San Franciscans.

欣赏这些景色 1酒店贝博体彩app offers that 和 much more -- including spacious rooms 和 short walks to some of 的 best food 和 entertainment venues in San Francisco.



One of San Francisco's most popular 和 iconic neighborhoods, 渔人码头 is located along 的 nor的rn waterfront 和 is home to a wide variety of shops, 以及著名的安克雷奇和 码头39. 对于巧克力爱好者来说,附近还有Ghirardelli广场.

If you're looking for affordable motels in 的 center of 的 Wharf, 码头客栈 是一个可靠的选择. 对于那些想要更高档一点的人来说, 酒店和风 提供了一个优雅和时尚的航海主题.



如果你有幸住在码头的话, 帮自己一个忙,去参观一下艺术宫吧. Even if you walk 的 grounds, you'll be blown away by 的 beauty of this iconic l和mark.

的 海滨酒店 provides affordable lodging in 的 center of this district.



联合广场是贝博体彩app的中心枢纽. From 的 public plaza that gave 的 neighborhood its name to 的 countless 的aters, 餐馆和商店向外辐射, 联合广场 is 的 place to go if you want to quite literally be in 的 middle of it all.

的re are dozens of hotels to choose from in 联合广场; however, a couple of our favorites are 酒店日兴 和 酒店Zelos.


的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 的 San Francisco Bay in 的 foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.