

从贝博体彩app到贝博体彩app, the many nicknames given to the city of San Francisco display the diversity and history of this great city.


It’s hippies, hipsters, vagrants, flagrants, artsy, fartsy and more. 你能想到的,它可能就住在这里. And accordingly, no single nickname has ever really stuck for Saint Frank.

贝博体彩城市的宏大头衔的即兴片段来来去去. 其中许多都是“仅限本地人”的标签. But no major urban destination can escape the nicknaming process—just look at the Big Apple or the Windy City. Like most things San Francisco, there's no consensus on which nickname—if any—is appropriate. In the meantime, here’s what we've discovered about the history of San Francisco nicknames.


圣. Louis-San Francisco Railway known as the “Frisco” began operating in 1876, 但这个绰号和美国西部一样古老. 赫伯·卡恩,普利策奖得主 贝博体彩app纪事报 columnist, was adamant that no one call his fair city by such a sliced up moniker. 而是,“爱抚每一个西班牙音节,向我们的意大利圣人致敬。. 不要说贝博体彩app,不要说贝博体彩app,”他建议道. 这是东部人的发音,比如拉里·金(Larry King). 更像是贝博体彩app." Yet, cultural forces from Otis Redding ("headed for the Frisco bay") to Pink Floyd (the unofficial 夜幕笼罩贝博体彩app 现场专辑)保留了与贝博体彩app有关的名字.

Here's the thing with "Frisco": Nicknames are supposed to embody some overall characteristic, 而不仅仅是作为一个慵懒的外科手术的城市的名字. There's a reason we don't call New York "Nork" when we're feeling saucy. 因为诗意的原因,它被称为“不夜城”. 仅仅因为“贝博体彩app”听起来像一个地方(它确实是), 在德克萨斯州和科罗拉多州), 这可不是个好外号. 没人会上5号州际公路向南去阿格尔斯."

(Pro tip: If an out-of-town friend calls it Frisco, avoid the soapbox. San Franciscans have a rep for being uptight jerks about the nickname. 不要墨守成规. 他们最终会注意到你从来没有这样称呼它.)


这里和贝博体彩app一样,都有蹩脚的懒惰, 但听起来像是想要赶时髦的人. "San Fran" seems like a name that could and should work in conversation, but it's just so out of the local vernacular that it never fails to trip alarm bells.


Such a name may trigger worries of negative geopolitical undertones, but this was actually the title of a collection of Caen essays about San Francisco (and a persistent nickname he used). The reference to the ancient Iraqi capital—which is also near Babylon—was meant as an indication of the wide range of characters and cultures you found in San Francisco decades ago. The 21st century has put our relationship with Baghdad in a tough place, though. Anyone hearing the phrase for the first time needs a delicate explanation. 这可不是一个好昵称的标志. 对不起,草.


"Es-ef" is fine because it's technically not a nickname, but an acronym. 人们去洛杉矶和华盛顿旅行时不会被人惊讶. Locals use SF all the time, especially when flying out of “es-ef-oh”. 它不是特别可爱或有趣.


This was a common nickname at the turn of the twentieth century used to coax tourists and lure Easterners to move to our glorious city on the other side of the railroads. But no proud urban destination likes to be thought of as the "something else" to a better-known city, 所以它已经不再使用了.


淘金热的回响造就了一个很棒的绰号, 但是这些天, 当金城被当地人使用的时候, 这感觉很自我放纵.

是的, 山上有金子, 是的,我们仍然有金色的日落, 连绵起伏的山丘一年四季都闪烁着金色的光芒. But San Francisco has a reputation for being a little too proud of itself, 而金城也没能改变这一点. This is especially true with the modern tech gold rush and the debatable impact it's had. The Golden City is really the kind of nickname that everyone except people from San Francisco should use.


“伦敦城”是当地人的昵称,并不是因为它的排他性, 而是因为如果你在另一个城市的合理距离内, 人们根本不知道你在说什么. 大写字母在对话中不能翻译. 但如果使用得当, 这个昵称让人想起了昔日的老西部, when San Francisco was the only metropolitan area within conceivable traveling distance. If you told someone in the Salinas Valley that "I'm heading to The City," they'd know what you meant. Oakland and San Jose were still glimmers in the eyes of today's giants. 这里和洛杉矶之间的一切都是荒野牧场和农田. “The City”不需要大写字母.


在外人看来,雾是贝博体彩app温柔的情人. 白色羽绒被每天早晨爬过小山, 把我们包裹在云和钢铁的混合物里. 然而对当地人来说, 雾可真让人讨厌, 破坏了地滚球比赛和沙滩约会. Karl replaces that warm California sun with a menacing wind that feels like ghosts sucking out your soul. We do love him, but in the bittersweet way New Yorkers may love the fact that they never sleep. 他已经融入了这个城市的结构——或者,真的,他 is 这座城市的织物——这是一个很好的绰号.


保持简单. You can drive over the bridges a thousand times and still catch yourself lost in the majesty of San Francisco nestled against the water, 岛屿, 帆船, 还有海湾的阳光. 我们有话直说吧.


This story is brought to you by the great people over at 粗体斜体. 粗体斜体 is an online magazine that celebrates the spirit of San Francisco and the Bay Area.
